Burke Ward Public School is an exceptional public primary school.
At Burke Ward, our staff is not only honest, dedicated, supportive and extremely hard working, but also have a genuine love of teaching. We are all committed to providing a quality education to all students, with our moral imperative of improving student outcomes always being at the forefront of what we do. Whilst the kids we teach today are very much part of the digital age, at BWPS, we pride ourselves on developing the whole child, recognising that the development of life skills are just as important as reading, writing and arithmetic.
We often talk about ‘Burkie Pride'. Many of our parents and grandparents were and still are proud ‘Burkies'. Being a ‘Burkie' means that you take pride in how you work in class, participate in school events with commitment and determination, conduct yourself at school and in the community with honour and dignity thus upholding the fine reputation of our school. It is a tradition that goes hand in hand with our school motto, ‘Strive with Honour'.
As a student of Burke Ward, you are exposed to a plethora of opportunities that cater for all needs and interests. The extra-curricular initiatives we implement allow you to experience a wide variety of academic, sporting and cultural activities that extend beyond the classroom.
Burke Ward Public School is one of seven primary schools in Broken Hill. The school provides a traditional curriculum and prides itself on its parental support and strong links with the community. Long standing traditions including the Fife and Drum Band, the prefect system and formal induction and presentation ceremonies are fostered and valued by the school community.