Burke Ward Public School

Strive with honour

Telephone08 8088 4700



Kindergarten students at Burke Ward will learn sounds (one a day), in the following order (as from the 2009 NSW Department of Education Phonics Resource).

Term 1: m s f a p t c i
Term 2: b h n o d g l v y r e qu z j u k x w 
Term 3: ll ss ff ck 
Term 4: sh ch th ng

You can talk with your child and reinforce the letter name and its sound and letter formation.

letter formation


Kindergarten will learn the Auslan sign language action to match our L3 alphabet chart to help visual and kinaesthetic learners.

L3 Butterfly Chart

Ausland Action videos for words that beginning with each sound are linked below most of the hand signal images. To access, click the capital and lowercase pairing of a letter (those that are underlined and in bold):

Term 1:

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Mm'

me (I)        man          monkey         money         moon


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Ss'

say         sad         sing         six         seven         square



Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Ff'

four         five         fish         fourteen


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Aa'

and         add         at         above          apple         ask         arm


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Pp'       

pig         pink         purple         play (verb / doing-word)  


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Tt'

two         three         ten         table         teacher         take


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Cc'

car         cat         come         circle


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Ii'

I (me)        
idea         ice         ice cream         if










Term 2:

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Bb'

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Hh'

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Nn'


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Oo'


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Dd'


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Gg'


Auslan signs for other words beginning with 'Ll'

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Vv'


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Yy'

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Rr'

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Ee'


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Qq' / the 'qu' sound

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Zz'


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Jj'

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Uu'


Other Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Kk'

Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Xx'


Auslan signs for words beginning with 'Ww'


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